Features and Essays

African Story - Afrocritik
Opinion: What, Truly, is the African Story?

…a platform for African writers for the purpose of discovering “the best authentic African story…

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10 Perfect Spots to Visit in Africa This Christmas

By David Adewusi The bells are jingling again, but maybe not as loud as the…

Teenage Pregnancy - Afrocritik
Is There a Better Way to Address Teenage Pregnancy in Africa?

Contrary to the belief that sex education encourages promiscuity in young people, better sex education…

Albino Myths - Afrocrtik
Demystifying Albino Myths and Misconceptions in the Mass Media

These Albino myths and misconceptions are horrifying despite this age of information where logic and…

African Accents - Afrocritik
Is the Seeming Wrongness of African Accents a Form of Neo Colonialism?

…easy to view the seeming disdain of African accents as a first-world problem, but quite…

woo African women - Afrocritik
How To Properly Woo African Women

…how to woo African women is an art that should be studied, a process that…

Christianity in Nigeria - Afrocritik
Christianity in Nigeria and the Doctrines of Modesty

Although there have been some adjustments and flexibility in the overall practices of Christianity in…

Miss South Africa 2021 - Afrocritik
To Boycott or Not to Boycott: Miss South Africa 2021 Takes on Her Nation, and Wins?

…An African proverb states that if a man cooks for the community, they can finish…

Submission and Obedience - Afrocritik
Do Religious Contexts of “Submission and Obedience” Breed Problems Within Marriage?

Such teachings on submission and obedience, arguably, reinforce traditional gender roles which cast the wives…

Nigerian Catholic Church - Afrocritik
The Unfair Politics of the Southeastern Nigerian Catholic Church

The influence of the Nigerian catholic church in the southeast cannot be over-emphasised, and so…