Litany of New Beginning Rogation grips my tongue today, & I stand like a priest…
I bump shoulders with vacant busy bodies rushing to their jobs; jobs they don’t really…
Seeking Night Lights i change channels whenever the TV screens an ad. dreams destroy,…
You have heard Kurugi say countless times that true love does not exist in a…
Now I think it is a very silly thing to allow this much alcohol into…
DARK ODYSSEY Before the grave becomes her home, My grandmother once told me that Hope…
How neatly you tucked yourself between my arms; how delicate you appeared, like the pieces…
First, find the cracks in His silence. The spaces between thunderclaps, This is where He…
My parchments know what ill is best captured in fear. By Obongofon Etuk When tedious…
Tunde loved you, and his mistake was making that love too obvious. It was too…