Fiction and Poetry

three poems
Three Poems | By Emmanuel Somtochukwu Ferdinand

Litany of New Beginning Rogation grips my tongue today, & I stand like a priest…

conversation with strangers
Conversations With Strangers | Fiction By Lydia Mutuku Nzilani

I bump shoulders with vacant busy bodies rushing to their jobs; jobs they don’t really…

Three poems
Three Poems | By Muheez Olawale

Seeking Night Lights    i change channels whenever the TV screens an ad. dreams destroy,…

The Wooden Shack
The Wooden Shack | Fiction by Ndakotsu Abubakar

You have heard Kurugi say countless times that true love does not exist in a…

Contranormative: A Monologue | Poem by Precious Chidera Harrison

Now I think it is a very silly thing                to allow this much alcohol into…

Broken Vessels
Broken Vessels and Other Poems | By Feyijimi Fayowolé

DARK ODYSSEY Before the grave becomes her home, My grandmother once told me that Hope…

First Rain
First Rain | Fiction By Chimezie Okoro

How neatly you tucked yourself between my arms; how delicate you appeared, like the pieces…

How to Blackmail God | Poem By Felix Eshiet

First, find the cracks in His silence. The spaces between thunderclaps, This is where He…

Rich People's Street
Rich People’s Street | Poem By Obongofon Etuk

My parchments know what ill is best captured in fear. By Obongofon Etuk When tedious…

Good Guys Finish Last
Good Guys Finish Last | Fiction by John “Penwielder” Ebute

Tunde loved you, and his mistake was making that love too obvious. It was too…