Afrocritik accepts previously unpublished, African-centred fiction, nonfiction, poetry, book, film, art and music reviews, as well as features, interviews, and cultural essays.
Submissions must be insightful, balanced, unbiased, critical, and could be controversial, even. We naturally do not publish hate pieces. We love daring pieces that challenge the norm at the same time.
Entries should be sent to the editors at:
In the “subject” area of your mail, use “Afrocritik Submissions”. Include a bio in the body of the mail (including your social media handles) alongside your work. Since we try to respond to every entry within only two weeks of submission, we do not encourage simultaneous submissions. If you have not heard from us within two weeks, feel free to send us a query.
We expect that submissions come in only .doc or .docx files and should be saved with the title of the piece. We love to read in font size 12 and in font style Times New Roman, Garamond, EB Garamond, or Cambria. We only expect one submission at a time. Multiple entries will be turned down automatically.
Submissions within the prose genre should be between 1,000 to 2,500 words. Anything above or below might be turned down. Poetry entries should not exceed three poems at a time.
All accepted pieces are edited by the editor, so be ready to work through the revisions.
Afrocritik accepts entries all year round. We are not a paying market.
Before submitting, read our style guide here.