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Homecoming | Sunday Saheed

Homecoming | Sunday Saheed

Sunday Saheed

By Sunday Saheed

you hate to say it, but you’re still a

stranger that looks the world from afar.

there are beautiful gallows at each piazza
that opens the route to the royal family

—this path is dubbed by belladonna &
foxglove. Tell, which step shall you take

through the wild that won’t get you
vervained & chillied like a bald warbler

at random nights where the beads on your
waist, nor the cowries shall jingle a sound

but your tongue isn’t safe, lingo rolls on
a wheel off your jaws & notes of sounds

are picked like tulips & cactuses. Brace
yourself up, wish everything you love adieu.

you’ve disked yourself out of your body,
the tunes you hum is of the west life. Your

home does not own you again, you’re but
a coiled snake in a sink that rambles words

See Also
Hands by Feyisayo Anjorin - Afrocritik

as bubbles. Nobody hears you again,
you might just check your leg for the juice

of hemlock on your right sole & for
your left, buttercup is spilled all herein.

we don’t jeer our hands to curl up stained
fallen heroes around our cocoons. The lips

we once kiss you with, throw spits at you
now. No homecoming herein, yeah?


Sunday  Saheed, the author of Rewrite the Stars, is a 17-year-old Nigerian writer, and a Hilltop Creative Arts Foundation member. He was the 1st runner-up for the Nigerian Prize for Teen Authors, 2021. His works have appeared or are forthcoming on Rough Cut Press, Salamander Ink, Aster Lit, Arts Lounge, SprinNG, Rigorous mag, Kissing Dynamite, Beatnik Cowboy, Trouvaille Review, Augment Review, Spirited Muse Press, Gyroscope, Giallo Lit, Open Skies Quarterly, Kalahari, Cajun Mutt, Open Leaf Press Review, Re Side, de Curated and others. He is also an asst. editor for The Nigeria Review (TNR). He was shortlisted for the Wole Soyinka International Cultural Exchange, 2018, The New Man Gospel Poetry Contest and BKPW Poetry Contest, 2022. He can be read on or reached on Instagram @poetsundaysaheed or on @sundaytsaheed on Twitter.

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