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Elnathan John Announces the Release of Children’s Picture Book, “Hassan and Hassana”

Elnathan John Announces the Release of Children’s Picture Book, “Hassan and Hassana”

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Hassan and Hassana will be published in Hausa and English.

By Hope Ibiale

Nigerian novelist and writer, Elnathan John, has announced the release of a children’s picture book titled Hassan and Hassana. The book, which will be released on the 18th of July, 2023, in the U.K., and on the 19th of September in the U.S., is set to be published in Hausa and English.

The soon-to-be-released children’s book documents the relationship between twins, Hassan and Hassana, and simplistically explains social justice and gender.

According to the publisher, Cassava Republic Press, “Hassan and Hassana are twins, and they’re practically identical. Even though one is a boy and the other a girl, ever since they were babies people have had trouble telling them apart. For their 8th birthday, Hassan gets a bike and Hassana gets drums. Hassan’s friends tell him that girls can’t ride bikes, leaving him with an important decision to make. Will he decide to share, or will he let Hassana feel left out? A beautiful story about sharing, kindness, and standing up for what is right.”

Elnathan John
Elnathan John

While announcing the book on his Twitter page, John said, “I am writing a children’s book. I actually agreed to do this. The world, together with my ovaries, conspiring against me. And now all I think of is, how can I make children happy? What is going on? I was clear about not wanting children. Why is this happening to me?”

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Elnathan John, a lawyer, regularly speaks on Nigerian literature, media, and politics. His debut novel, Born on a Tuesday, won the Betty Trask Award, and the Prix Les Afriques award. His other novels include Be(com)ing Nigerian, and On Ajayi Crowther Street. John also writes a weekly satirical column for the Sunday Trust Newspaper.

You can preorder the book here.

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