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The Island Prize Opens Submissions to Debut African Novelists

The Island Prize Opens Submissions to Debut African Novelists

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The prize is poised to help African authors break into UK publishing scene and reach a wider audience for their work.

By Editor

The Island Prize is thrilled to be opening submissions for The Island Prize, for its second year. Open to debut novelists, this literary prize has been curated to help African authors from across the continent, and the diaspora, break into UK publishing scene and reach a wider audience for their work.

The winner will receive £500, two runners up will receive £200, and all three will receive detailed editorial attention and mentorship from the Holland House and The Island Prize judges.

This year the prize is also excited to be offering a £200 prize for the top entry from the Maghreb region. In testament to the value of the prize, the prize winner from last year now has a UK agent as a direct result of the prize, and 3 of the shortlisted authors have been offered publishing contracts. The remainder of the shortlist are still working with The Island Prize editors to hone their submissions.

The Island Prize was founded by Karen Jennings, ‘An Island,’ in partnership with Holland House Books (UK). Submissions will close 6 January 2023 at midnight (Central African Time).

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Send submissions to Submissions should be the opening 3 chapters/10,000 words of a finished novel, along with a short synopsis (no more than a page)


  • Entrants must be: citizens of African countries or officially recognised permanent residents. Evidence will be required if longlisted.
  • Authors cannot have previously published a novel – non-fiction/short stories/poetry are fine.
  • Author cannot have an agent.
  • Entries over 120,000 words will be automatically disqualified.
  • Novels that were entered previously may not be submitted again.

Find more information on our Instagram ( or on Holland House Books’ website.  Also contact: Contact:

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