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The 2022 Kendeka Short Story Prize Announces Longlist

The 2022 Kendeka Short Story Prize Announces Longlist

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Nigeria leads the list with seven writers.

By Editor

The Kendeka Short Story Prize has unveiled the longlist for its second edition. The list features ten writers emerging from Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya, with Nigeria leading by seven writers.

The judging panel for this year’s award, chaired by Siphiwo Mahala, includes Bisi Adjapon, and Faith Oneya.

The Kendeka Prize, founded by Kenyan writer,  Andrew Maina, rewards, annually, an outstanding piece of short fiction or creative nonfiction. On this year’s longlist are:

“Star Boy” by Adaoro Raji (Nigeria)

“Isithunzi”  by Beverley Ann Abrahams (Zimbabwe)

“The Weight of Grief” by Ewa Gerald Onyebuchi (Nigeria)

“Ashes on Platters of Gold” by Ola W. Halim (Nigeria)

“Bittersweet, Like Lemonade” by Chiemeziem Everest Udochukwu (Nigeria)

“Anchor for the Baby” by Ibrahim Mustapha Enesi (Nigeria)

“Until Mushrooms Sprout”  by Joe Nyirenda (Zambia)

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“The Judgement” by Agomuo Juliana Chinaza (Nigeria)

“Luckiest Bastards” by Uchechi Princewill Akachi (Nigeria)

“Chained” by Scholastica Moraa (Kenya)

A shortlist of five will be announced on September 15, and the top three winners will be revealed during the award ceremony on September 24.

The prizes include a cash award of Kshs 100,000 for The overall winner receives a cash award of Kshs 100,000, the forst runner up gets Kshs 50,000, and second runner up receives Kshs 25,000.

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