Speculative fiction

Africanfuturism Anthology - Afrocritik
Africanfuturism:  A Literary Plane of Infinite Possibilities for Africa’s Future

The philosophy behind Africanfuturism awakens that tendency to think, to ruminate over the portends of…

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Afropantheology and the Future of African Speculative Fiction: A Conversation with Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki

“I think we can do more to formally bestow speculative fiction with its deserved place…

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Donald Oghenechovwe Ekpeki is Charting New Courses in African Speculative Fiction  

In Africa, speculative fiction writers struggle to be taken seriously as part of the larger…

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Tochi Lives | Ubong Johnson

Nnewi, Nigeria. * We sit around a fire and await my grandma’s spirit to announce…