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Rwandan Filmmaker, Celestin Mutuyimama, Wins “Scientists as Filmmakers” Award at GSFF

Rwandan Filmmaker, Celestin Mutuyimama, Wins “Scientists as Filmmakers” Award at GSFF

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Sewing Souls was acknowledged as the most successful film based on scientific research.

By Helena Olori

Rwandan psychotherapist and filmmaker, Celestin Mutuyimana, has been named winner of the “Scientist as Filmmakers” award at the 5th Global Science Film Festival in Zurich, Switzerland on April 2nd.

“I’m pleased to get the award of the winner scientists as Filmmaker #5thGlobal Science Film Festival. This movie Sewing souls show the necessity of breaking silence as a way to overcome post traumatic experience,” announced Mutuyimana on LinkedIn.

Mutuyimana’s trailblazing win follows the glitzy awards ceremony night of the 2nd edition of the Rwandan International Film Festival, held on April 1, 2023, in Kigali. The festival was well attended by entertainment stars from across Africa, including Nigerian actors, IK Ogbonna, Ini Edo, and Emmanuel Ejekwu, aka Sabinus, who took home the award for “African Content Creator” of the year.

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Trace awards and festival

The movie, Sewing Souls, was acknowledged as the most successful film based on scientific research, and impactful for society. The storyline explores the culture of silence amongst trauma survivors in the society, and how man-made traumas, such as the Rwandan Genocide, can lead to deep-seated mistrust and family problems. The film advocates for breaking the silence and seeking professional help, while also discouraging the societal prejudices towards mental health issues.

Mutuyimana Celestin is licensed clinical psychologist with speciality in trauma-related disorders, and co-founder of the Rwanda Psychological Society. He’s renowned for his researches in psychotherapy, psychopathology, and clinical interventions. Sewing Souls is his first movie, and is available for streaming on Vimeo.

See full list of the winners.

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