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Off River Road, a Girl Plays a Sax Solo to Truncate the Intricacies of My History | Frank Njugi

Off River Road, a Girl Plays a Sax Solo to Truncate the Intricacies of My History | Frank Njugi

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By Frank Njugi

& in a film, one girl wearing a bustier corset might

trip the light fandango as girl Yankee stature gaff hooks

a romantic history, cartwheeling it to a place where

the plumages of a loneliness dithers around with the

buoyancy of a common loon. In this one, the

anagram for healing is her saxophonist version of

A Whiter Shade of Pale’ – seen in a Vitaphone version,

with the film score in a phonograph that could pass off

for a 60s punk record player of a former lover. Through

See Also
Watlz Beyond the Veil by Obonofon Etuk

the girl’s sheet music I re-enter the rustling of yore,

& uproot the foreboding feeling of the forthcoming;

measure by measure, bar by bar….


Frank Njugi is a Kenyan Writer, page poet and Literary Culture Journalist living in Nairobi. He is the author of a Micro chapbook, BENTHIC (forthcoming Konya Shamsrumi digital editions 2023).  Some of his accolades include; being A Sondeka Award nominee 2023, longlisted for the Akachi Chukwuemeka prize for literature 2023, shortlisted for the Ibua Journal continental call 2022 and a finalist in the Kikwetu Journal flash fiction prize 2022. He has had work previously featured/forthcoming in platforms such as The Standard Kenya Newspaper, The Kalahari Review, TvoTribe, The Shallow Tales Review, African Writer magazine, Roi Feineant press, Olney Magazine and others. He currently serves in the editorial team of Salamander Ink Magazine, a platform that showcases Literary art expressionism and culture. He tweets as @franknjugi.

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