Abioye Damilare

Realness Over Hype - Victor AD - review - Afrocritik
“Realness Over Hype” Review: Victor AD Reinforces Himself as a Sonic Conveyor of Hope

With a focused sense of storytelling, the album is like a memoir  inviting us into…

10 African Models Making Waves in the Global Fashion Industry

This selection spotlights African models making waves in the global fashion scene, emerging as prominent…

TZA - Kizz Daniel - Review - Afrocritik
Kizz Daniel Retains Similar Elements on “TZA” EP

TZA is a commendable project that undeniably delivers a musical experience that stays true to…

Portable - controversy keeps Portable in the spotlight - Afrocritik
Is Controvesy the Linchpin that Keeps Portable in the Spotlight?

Portable is as riotous as he is reflective. He alternates between being ungovernable and offering…

Thrift - Okrika - Yassification - Afrocritik
The “Yassification” of Thrift Clothing in Nigeria

The term “Okrika” describes the thrift market culture in Nigeria. For individuals raised in modest…

Adekunle Gold - fashion icon - Afrocritik
Adekunle Gold’s Fashion Evolution in Tandem with His Musical Journey

In addition to Adekunle Gold’s vocal texture and lyrical abilities, his style – read as…